Painting gives me pleasure, it allows me to daydream, clears my mind, relaxes me and the result is an amazing sense of liberty that translates to achievement.
For me, Painting is all about freedom of mind and letting my tools and colors express my raw thoughts and feelings, without filtering or processing. They come out real and simple and can almost talk to you through colors. Playing with colors and feeling the texture while mixing them gives me great pleasure and satisfaction, the way colors change in the process gives me a sense of creation and opens endless possibilities.
My favorite tool and medium are the knife and oil colors. Using them together is a whole different story though, as mixing the colors and feeling the texture by itself is pure pleasure …. and I haven’t even started painting yet. I’ve learned to always trust myself and not to worry too much about the result and just enjoy the process.
I like warmth and heat in everything, life, human relations, weather, colors and art. My favorite colors are always changing, but warmth is a common and an essential factor. I tend to use fresh bright colors as they make me feel happy and avoid dark ones as gloominess makes me uncomfortable. My different styles in painting is the result of me setting myself free, spontaneously reflecting what I feel inside and not trying to box myself in a certain style or prefer one over the other, I don’t mind not belonging to a specific art movement, but I am a perfectionist and admire detail.
When I start a new piece, I always remind myself that it’s art, it’s freedom and it’s my own space, my own world and creation…. Just believe and be free, it’s going to be fun.
Most of the time, I begin painting not knowing what it will turn into, I don’t pressure myself to determine what the end result should be, it’s meant to be fun and relaxing, not stressful and calculated. I mix colors and start to enjoy every single moment, feel the excitement building, the ecstasy of an image coming to life and that challenges me, makes my senses play an orchestra. Smelling the paint, feeling the texture and appreciating color, all this translate into movements, lines, circles and waves … it is a festival of colors and before I know it I start dancing on the canvas with my knife spreading colors in space.
I know a piece is done when it’s done and there is no more to say. It’s like a happy conversation that ends with a sweet smile that you would want to remember every time you look at the painting and you can almost see your face and relive that moment and that feeling.
I like the word smile and I like to smile and make everyone around me smile, when I can, and I hope that my work gives that tingling feeling of happiness, and that the product of which would be a smile.
Always believe that you’re about to create something absolutely magical, simply because you created it.